Augmented-Reality-Bolt-Welding (BMW)
- Development and implementation of an Augmented-Reality system for 3D-guided manual bolt welding in the prototype assembly stage at BMW
- Interfacing of infrared optical tracking and measurement system
- Development and implementation of 3D calibration and transformation routines for vehicle, tool and measurement coordinate systems
- Equipment of welding device with 3D navigation display and user interface
- Integration into data chain (Catia / Excel) and daily working process at BMW
- First productive and industrial Augmented Reality application in Germany
- See a short video sequence here
Product Development openWARP (Eyevis / MPI )
- Design and development of digital video processing unit openWARP in cooperation with Max-Planck-Institute Tübingen and Eyevis GmbH Reutlingen
- Design and implementation of user interface software
- Programming of onboard PC104 unit for control of ASIC and FPGA modules for video warping and compositing
- Customization of embedded software for Liesegang Electronics SXT1-Chip
- System modification and optimization for real-time simulator deployment
- Worldwide sales in cooperation with development partners
- NH90 Simulator (Rheinmetall Defence Electronics)
- Development of an ASIC/FPGA-based video processing unit for real-time signal correction in pilot helmet display of the NH90 helicopter simulator
- Development and delivery of multi-threaded API and integration into final training simulator in cooperation with the customer
- Customization of hardware, ASIC and FPGA- control and viewpoint dependent, dynamic 3D-geometry correction based on recursive algorithms and numeric solution optimization
- Worldwide first dynamic video signal warping in simulator application with a latency less than 5ms
- Passive Stereo Projection System (EADS Manching)
- Modification of JVC SX21 projectors for professional stereo projection applications
- Replacement of original lens optics and recalculation of optical pathways
- Design and implementation of a mechanical optical shift
- Installation of projection system with passive circular 3D technology
- Sony-4K-Projector Evaluation and Integration (Audi)
- Launch of first SONY-4K-projector with synchronized quad HD input in Germany
- Evaluation of projector for possible deployment in AUDI design department
- Signal integration and synchronization with computer graphic cluster
- Specification of mandatory NVIDIA driver modification in cooperation with NVIDIA Inc./US
- Specification und planning of AUDI projection system
3-Kanal-180o-Cylinder Projection (University of Rochester/USA/NY)
- Implementation and Calibration of 180o-cylinder projection system at University of Rochester/NY Center of Visual Science
- Edge blending for three projection channels
- Calibration and 3D geometry correction
- Ship Handling Simulator Upgrade (Jade University Oldenburg/Elsfleth)
- Sighting system upgrade for ship handling simulator Elsfleth in Northern Germany
- Redesign of 9-Channel 270o-cylinder projection system with 16m diameter and 5m height
- Replacement of ray tube projectors with digital projectors – Digital light wave signal wiring
- Assembly and 3D-system calibration and software customization
- N900 Smartphone Software Development (Nokia)
- Optimization of image processing algorithms for the TI OMAP 3430 architecture
- Close to hardware development on Nokia smartphone systems with limited hardware resources
- Joint development and cooperation in an international distributed agile development team
- 3-Channel-Driving Simulator (TU Chemnitz)
- Planning, setup and installation of a 3-channel driving simulator
- 180o-projection system with planar projection surfaces
- Digital light wave signal wiring and software customization
- Mobile Wheel Configurator (tuneXpert)
- Mobile wheel configurator with virtual interactive selection and assembly of rim and vehicle
- Soft- and hardware system architecture design and Objective-C-development for iPhone/iPad
- Implementation of 3D-batch-rendering to generate database with more than 16.000 images
- SQL-Database design and web service setup to provide mobile access to 30.000 vehicle variants
- Image Processing (Thales Electron Devices)
- Evaluation of image processing methods for interactive Laser positioning
- Proposal for workplace redesign
- Consultancy for production process optimization
- Robot Integration and Calibration (Fraunhofer ILT
- Development and optimization of robot calibration process for a laser processing device
- Closed loop integration of laser scanner, image processing unit, robot and work piece
- Design and optimization of application and user interaction
- Exhibition and Assembly Hall 3D Animation (Stadthaus Ulm)
This is a 3D animation of Richard Meiers architecture on the central place in front of Ulm’s (Germany) famous cathedral. We produced this animation and the video in 2004 with Alias (Autodesk) Maya on the base of 2D drawings and original construction plans. You will find YouTube-Video here.
- VAPS XT Integration in Virtual Reality (Daimler)
- Integration of interactive 2D-User Interface VAPS XT (Presagis) into Eurofighter virtual reality cockpit simulation
- Software development within an international team
- Project management and lead software development